Print, Un Tailleur (tailor)
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Un Tailleur is the tailor. He carries the tools of his trade on his person as follows (titles in old German also): 1. (on his head) Rubans (ribbons); 2. Boutons massifs d'or (buttons of gold); 3. (around his neck) des Ciseaux (scissors); 4. (in his right coat pocket) mesures (measures); 5. (in his left coat pocket) pieces (patches); 6. (in his left hand) l'aulne (measuring stick); 7. (on the measuring stick) fil et soie (silk threads); 8. (on the measuring stick) careau (iron); 9. (in his right hand) rodingotte (frock coat); 10. (on his left arm) manteaux (cloak); 11. (on his shoes) des poicons (a punch).