Print, BRITAIN's RIGHTS maintaind; or FRENCH AMBITION dismantled.

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  • After work by: Louis Peter Boitard
  • England
  • August 11, 1755
  • Black and White Line Engraving
  • 1960-31

Lower margin reads: "L. Boitard Inv.t/ BRITAIN's RIGHTS maintaind; or FRENCH AMBITION dismantled./ Addrest to the Laudable Societys of ANTI-GALICANS, The generous Promoters of British Arts & Manufactories/ By their most Sincere Well wisher and truly devoted Humble Servant/ Published According to Act of Parliament, August 1755/ A Lover of his Country"

Britannia stands holding the staff and cap of liberty, addressing Mars and Neptune, who are representatives of Britain. At her side is the British Lion who paws at a heap of feathers representing sections of the colonies, and which have obviously just come off a cock who is trying to make his get-away. Mars is cutting from the robes of France her North America provinces, and Neptune has likewise seized her robe and is threatening North America (an Indian) with his trident. The dejected figures of France stand to one side. In the background are sailors dancing round a column surmounted with the royal arms marked with the fleets triumphs.

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