Print, Charles King of GREAT BRITAIN &c.
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The lower margin reads: "Carolus MAGNE BRITANNIAE Rex, &c./ E Tabula, Antonii Vandyck Equitis, 3 pedes 9 digitos alta, 2 pedes/ 3 digitos lata, in Pinacotheca Rob.ti Strange asservata./ Charles King of GREAT BRITAIN &c./ From the painting of Sir Anthony Vandyck, 3 feet 9 inches high;/ by 2 feet 3 inches wide, in the Collection of Robert Strange./ R. Strange Academice regiae artis Graphices parisus, et Academiarum Romae, Florentine, atque Bononiae, Socius; Academiae item regiae Parmensis Professor; Londini delineavit et Sculpsit A.o 1770./ This picture formerly in the Collection of King Charles was amongst other portraits of the Royal family carried abroad by James II.d It was given as a present by that Monarch to Cardinal Philip Thomas Howard,/ The Cardinal dying at Rome, it came afterwards into the possession of James Edgar Esq.r Secretary to the Grandson of Charles, in whose custody it remaind many Years. Upon the death of M.r Edgar, which happened/ during M.r Strange's stay at Rome, he purchas'd it of the executors."