Print, L'Horlger (clockmaker)
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The l'Horloger is the clockmaker. He carries the tools and products of his trade on his person as follows: 1. (on head) pendule (clock on stand); 2. (in right hand) Partage de cadran (watch dial); 3. (hanging from right shoulder) l'Horloge (a clock); 4. (hanging from neck) montre a minutte (watch in minutes); 5. (hanging from neck) montre a heures (watch for hours); 6. (around neck) chainettes de montre (chains for watches); 7. (at waist) ressorts (springs); 8. (at waist) marteau (hammer); 9. (at waist) glob pour l'arret du mouvement (device to regulate the movement); 10. (at waist) limes (files); 11. (at waist) tenailles (pliers); 12. (at waist) manche de globe (handle for the clocks); 13. (at waist) cercle pour ressorts (forms for the springs); 14. (at waist) limes pour globe (files for the clocks); 15. (on table) montre a poser (stop watch); 16.(on table) montre emboetee (clock in a case); 17. (on table) clef de grosse montre (key for the large clock); 18. (on table) clef de montre de poche (key for the pocket watch); 19. (to left of figure) montre perpendiculaire (clock on pedestal).