Print, Un Charon (wheelwright)
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Un Charon is a wheelwright. He carries the tools of his trade and objects on his person as follows: 1. (resting from his right hand to the ground) une roue de Carosse (a wheel for a coach); 2. (round neck) petite roue de chariot (a small wheel for a chariot); 3. (resting on chest) un maillet (a hammer); 4. (hanging from small wheel) un ciseau a bois ( scissors for wood); 5. (hanging from small wheel) un couteau a deux manches (a knife with 2 handles); 6. (hanging from small wheel) un ciseau (scissors); 7. (hanging from small wheel) un marteau (hammer); 8. (waist) un hacherot (hachet); 9. (waist) des tenailles (pliers); 10. (waist) un foret (drill); 11. (waist) une lime a bois (file for wood); 12. (waist) un gros foret (large drill); 13. (waist) un tranchant (edger); 14. (waist) un couteau a deux manches (knife with 2 handles); 15. (waist) un foret a pierre (drill for stone); 16. (on stone beside figure) une ebauchoir (tool used in rough-hewing); 17. (on ground) un marteau (hammer); 18. (cover for figure) devantier (apron).