Print, Ophevre (goldsmith/silversmith)
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The Orphevre is the gold and silversmith. He carries the tools and products of his trade on his person as follows: 1. (on head) Un pot d'Argent ( a silver pot); 2. (on head) un porte cuilliere (spoon carrier); 3. (on head) laitiere (cream pitcher); 4. (on head) une Sous coupe (tray of wood); 5. (in hands) aiguiere (water pitcher); 6. (in hands) calice (chalise); 7. (in hands) plat bassin (flat basin); 8. (on shoulder) petit pot (small pot); 9. (on shoulder) gobelet (goblet); 10. (on chest) lustre (lustre); 11. (hanging from arm) garde d'Epee (sword guard); 12. (hanging from arm)cuilliere (spoons); 13. (hanging from arm) poignee de couteau de chasse et boete (handle of hunting knife and bait); 14. (at waist) marteau (hammer); 15. (at waist) ciseau d'argent (scissors of silver); 16. (at waist) marteau de bois (hammer of wood); 17. (at waist) Etau (vice); 18. (at waist) boete a vif argent (box of quick silver); 19. 9at waist) Etui (case); 20. (at waist) lustroire (luster wear); 21.(at waist) souflet (bellows); 22. (at waist) fer blanc a lustrer (white iron for luster); 23. (at waist) enclume (anvil); 24. (at waist behind) compas tenailles &c. (compass, pliers, etc.).