Print, Un Jouaillier (jeweller)
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Un Jouaillier is the jeweller, in this case handling large items. He carries the products of his trade on his person as follows: 1. (on head) Une Theere d' Argent (teapot of silver); 2. (on head) machine aux cuilieres a Thee (spoon holder for tea spoons); 3. (on head) boete a sucre (box of suger); 4. (around neck) chainette avec une medaille (chain with a medal); 5. (on right shoulder) plat de barbier ( barber's plate); 6. (around neck) miroir a quadre d'or (mirror with border of gold); 7. (left shoulder) Couteaux cuilieres et fourchettes (knives, forks, and spoons); 8. (hanging from left shoulder) un chandelier (a candlestick); 9. (hanging from mirror) une sonette (a little bell); 10. (hanging from waist) Cuvette doree a refraichir (gilded basin for cooling); 11. (hanging from waist) bras d'Argent (sconce of silver); 12. (hanging from waist) vaisseau a boire (plates from which to drink..soup plates); 13. (hanging from waist) un pot (a pot); 14. (hanging from waist) un gobelet d'or ( a goblet of gold); 15. (on table) une table (the table); 16. (on table) un chandelier de main (candlestick for hands to carry); 17. (on table) un Calice (a chalice); 18. (on table) petit gobelet ( a small goblet); 19. (on table) chandelier d'Eglise (candlestick for church); 20. (on table) chandelier ordinaire (ordinary candlestick); 21. (left shoulder) assietes (plates); 22. (right hand) Aiguire (water pitcher); 23. (on head) un Tablette (a tray).