Print, Un Charpentier (capenter)
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Un charpentier is the carpenter. He carries the tools of his trade on his person as follows: 1. (over left shoulder) piece de bois (wood board); 2. (round neck) compas (compass); 3. (around neck) le pie (measure); 4. (over right shoulder) grosse sie (saw); 5. (under right arm) planche (plank); 6. (over left shoulder) gros rabot a deux (two large planes); 7. (over left shoulder) rabot a un (another plane); 8. (hanging from waist) maillet (mallot); 9. (from waist) hache pioche (pick axe); 10. (from waist) petit sie (little saw); 11. (at waist) hache d'assemblage (collection of hatchets); 12. (in right hand) auget pour couleur (small box for paints); 13. (in box) perpendicule (triangle); 14. (right hand) mesure (measure).