The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: September 13

WILLIAMSBURG, September 13, 1776.
To be SOLD at vendue, on Monday the 26th instant, before mr. Reid's store in the city of Williamsburg, 9 hhds. of choice highproof old West India RUM, one hhd. continent ditto, and about 7000 wt. of BROWN SUGAR in hogsheads, for ready money; also a quantity of CALF and KIP SKINS. WILLIAM AYLETT. *** Who wants to hire a good COOPER, and to hire or purchase a good BLACKSMITH.

Virginia Gazette (Purdie) September 13, 1776

About this entry:

During the war goods such as sugar and rum from the West Indies were difficult to come by. Sugar was not just a luxury for the wealthy for it was used in remedies for ague, to stop bleeding, to cure coughs, consumption, fever, heartburn and for various kidney and bladder problems. William Aylett was Deputy Commissary General of Purchases for Virginia, therefore his name occurs in many issues of the newspaper during wartime.

Language notes:

Items sole at "vendue" are sold at auction.

Sources: Glasse, H., Smith, E.

Brought to you by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation