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Robinson Family Papers(1684–1915)

  • MS 1994.6


Page Description Date
1 Introduction. C.W. Robinson’s explanation of the book’s contents of original family papers from the “Hewick” Robinsons and how he came to possess them.
Papers Concerning Christopher Robinson III of Hewick
3–6 Memorandum. Further explanation of family papers contained within, how the Robinsons established themselves as landholders in Virginia, Robinson family participation in the American Revolution. Includes one color and one black and white sketch of Hewick, Virginia. 1880
8 Map. Virginia, Pennsylvania. Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland showing Robinson Creek and area near Urbanna, Virginia where “Hewick” stood (Middlesex County). N.D.
12–13 Pedigree. Rough sketch of Robinson family of Virginia as descended from Christopher Robinson, first immigrant to America. N.D.
7–27 Index. Listing of contents as compiled by C.W. Robinson.
34 Fragment. Portion of the will of Christopher Robinson I, written by Edmund Pendleton. ca. 1700
37 Map. 660 acres of land owned by Christopher Wormeley in James City County showing roads and waterways. 2 December 1684
41 Account. Money paid to and from Hewick, England, by Christopher Robinson. 1727–1731
43 Letter. General Robert Porteus, Yorkshire, England to Christopher Robinson, Rappahannock River, Virginia. re: Business accounts and transactions enacted by Porteus as Robinson’s agent at Hewick, England. 26 November 1750
47–49 Will. Christopher Robinson III of Hewick. Estate in England to brother John Robinson, estate in Virginia (Hewick) to daughter Judith Robinson, estate in Virginia (Grange) to daughter Mary. 6 December 1751
55 Letter. John Maynard, London to Christopher Robinson III. re: Yorkshire estate, shipping tobacco from America. Includes copy of letter from John Maynard to Captain Brookes. 20 April 1762
59 Account. Duties, freight, shipping costs on tobacco rendered to Christopher Robinson III. 1764–1765
63 Account. Rents owed and paid by tenants on Hewick, England, to Christopher Robinson III. 1765–1766
63 Receipt. Quarterly Royal Land Tax paid by Hewick, England, 5p 6s 1d. July 1770
65–68 Letter. Graham Frank [?] to Christopher Robinson [?]. re: Theft attempt at Hewick, England, other Hewick business. 13 February 1765
71–78 Letter (mutilated). Graham Frank to Christopher Robinson [?]. re: House at Bedford, England, proposed sale of property. Mentions Bishop Robinson.
81–84 Letter, Graham Frank [?], London to Christopher Robinson [?]. re: Purchase of Parker lands, management of Hewick, England. 23 July 1765
86–89 Letter. Graham Frank to Christopher Robinson, near Urbanna in Middlesex County, Virginia. re: Robinson’s estates in London, arranging to bring water to the fields from the river, tenants’ grievances, general upkeep of fences and barns. ca. 1760
90–96 Letter. Graham Frank, London to Christopher Robinson, near Urbanna in Middlesex County, Virginia. re: Hewick, England, planting oak trees, tenants and rent collection, general upkeep, fence dividing Robinson’s and Lord Devonshire’s lands, Virginia stock holdings. 2 May 1776
99–115 Letter. Graham Frank [?], London to Christopher Robinson [?], Virginia. re: Quarrels with tenants over upkeep of Hewick, England and disputes over hunting rights with neighboring landowners. 20 December 1766
117–118 Letter. Graham Frank and [?] Bickerton, London to Christopher Robinson, Virginia. re: Sale of Hewick, England with estimated value of 16,000 pounds. 21 December 1767
121 Petition. re: Richard Corbin and Ralph Wormeley, executors of Christopher Robinson III’s (deceased) holdings in Virginia. N.D.
122–125 Letter. Robert Cary and Co., London to Richard Corbin and Ralph Wormeley, Virginia. re: Execution of Christopher Robinson’s will. Fletcher Norton, speaker for the House of Commons possible purchaser of Hewick, England. 24 May 1770
126–129 Letter. Robert Cary and Co., London to Richard Corbin and Ralph Wormeley, Virginia. re: Sale of Hewick, England to Speaker of the House of Commons, Fletcher Norton, by Act of Parliament. 4 March 1772
130–133 Letter. Robert Cary and Co., London to Richard Corbin and Ralph Wormeley, York River, Virginia. re: Hewick, England sold to Fletcher Norton, Speaker of the House of Commons, for 16,000 pounds. 24 August 1772
134–137 Account. Expenses incurred in passing 9 June 1772 Act of Parliament for the sale of Christopher Robinson’s Hewick, England. 1772
138 Letter. Christopher Robinson to Richard Corbin. re: Money owed Christopher Robinson for the estate of Peter Robinson. 4 August 1767
138 Receipt. Signed by P.W. Claiborne for money paid by David Ker on behalf of Christopher Robinson for the education of Peter Robinson’s son. 21 June 1769
142 Account. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to John Craine for tailoring services rendered. 1767–1768
144 Account. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to James Mills for medical services rendered. 1768
146 Account. Purchase of slaves and stock by Richard Corbin and Ralph Wormeley as acting guardians of Christopher Robinson IV. 1769
148 Letter. Edmund Pendleton, Edmundsburg to Richard Corbin, Laneville, King and Queen County, Virginia. re: Money owed to the estate of Christopher Robinson. 15 July 1786
Papers Concerning Christopher Robinson of the Queen’s Rangers
168 Account. Money owed by Peter Robinson (d. 1765) to John Robinson (d. 1787). 1740–1749
170 Account Book. Monthly record of financial exchanges recorded by John Robinson of Middlesex County, Virginia. 1777
172 Accounts (fragments). Eight receipts of notes of purchases made by John Robinson of Middlesex County, Virginia including one receipt for the hire of two slaves (1777). 1775–1777
174 Letter. David Ker to unknown addressee. re: Payments owed to an unidentified account. Mentions “Mr. Dinwiddie”. 22 June 1765
178 Receipt. Payment for wine purchased by Beverley Robinson. 26 September 1765
182 Royal Warrant. Authorization for John Dessen to raise two battalions of soldiers for England’s Regular Troops to be used for the duration of the American Revolution. Signed by Robert Rogers. 18 February 1780
184 Royal Commission. Naming Christopher Robinson IV to the post of Captain of the Queen’s Rangers in New york under Lieutenant Colonel John Graves Simcoe. 26 June 1781
190–194 Letter. Beverley Robinson, Northlake [?] to “My Dear Daughter”. re: Family matters, sending tea, mentions grandchildren. 3 July 1784
197–200 Royal Commission. Naming Christopher Robinson IV to the post of “Inspector of the Woods, Reserves, and all Rents and Profits of the Crown” in Upper Canada. Signed by John Graves Simcoe. 1 June 1792
203–206 Petition. Transferring power of attorney from Peter Russell to Christopher Robinson IV for the power to lease and/or collect rents on certain properties on the River Cabaraqui, Upper Canada. 17 October 1792
209–210 Petition. John Wentworth, Surveyor General of the Woods, Nova Scotia naming Christopher Robinson IV as his deputy in Upper Canada. 4 April 1793
213–216 Letter. Christopher Robinson IV, Kensington, Upper Canada to Robert Robinson, Digby, Nova Scotia. re: Christopher’s post as deputy of the Woods. 6 July 1793
219 Account. Fees owed by Christopher Robinson IV for the education of his sons. 1792–1798
223 Letter. Peter Russell, Niagara to Christopher Robinson IV, Kingston, Upper Canada. re: Sale of Cabaraqui mills. 1 November 1792
225 Letter. D.W. Smith, Survey General’s Office, Niagara to Christopher Robinson IV [?]. re: Smith’s public account. 21 April 1790
229–232 Letter, Peter Russell, Niagara to Christopher Robinson IV, Upper Canada. re: Mills being built along the Cabaraqui River, possibility that the seat ofgovernment will move to York (Toronto). 26 April 1794
235 Royal Commission. Naming Christopher Robinson IV, Kingston, Upper Canada to the position of Royal Attorney and Advocate. Signed by William Mayne and initialed by John Graves Simcoe. 22 July 1794
241 Letter. William Mayne to Christopher Robinson IV, Kingston Upper Canada. re: License to practice law in the Royal Courts. 26 July 1794
245–248 Letter. Christopher Robinson IV to Governor John Graves Simcoe. re: Robinson’s apprehension about his 4 April 1793 commission by John Wentworth. 5 November 1795
249 Letter. Peter Russell, Newark to Christopher Robinson IV. re: Robinson’s “indisposition”. 26 May 1793
249 Letter. Peter Russell to Christopher Robinson IV. re: Robinson’s recovery from illness. 28 February 1795
253 Indenture. Naming Christopher Robinson IV as Representative of the residents of Addington and Ontario Counties. 29 August 1796
257–260 Deed. Sale of land in Murray Township, Upper Canada owned by Christopher Robinson IV to Thomas Spencer of Canadague, New York. 22 July 1797
261–264 Court Notes. John Ferguson v. David Palmer over 100 pound debt. 26 April 1797
267–268 Contract. Between Christopher Robinson IV, Kingston and Jacob Shepherd Clay, Herkermer County making Clay a six month laborer paid in money and/or land upon the end of service. 3 May 1798
271–272 Contract. Between Christopher Robinson IV, Kingston and John Smith, Albana County, New York making Smith a six month laborer paid in money and/or land upon the end of service. 3 May 1798
275–278 Contract. Between Christopher Robinson and John Woodward and David Bennet engaging Woodward and Bennet to construct Robinson a house on his York, Upper Canada farm. 24 July 1798
279 Bill. 6 pounds owed by Christopher Robinson to Jacob Clayton for the digging and construction of a foundation and chimneys. 29 August 1798
279 Receipt. 6p 10s 6d paid by Christopher Robinson to John Woodward and David Bennet for the construction of Christopher Robinsion’s house. 9 August 1796
283–286 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to Thomas Markland for various goods purchased. 1793–1796
289 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to Thomas Sparham, surgeon, for services rendered. 1794–1795
293–296 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to Donald McDonell for goods purchased. 1796–1797
299 Bill. Money owed by William Kaiting to Christopher Robinson for legal services rendered. 1797
301 Receipt. Christopher Robinson will pay Sincoe Ketchsin fifty dollars within six weeks. 16 July 1798
301 Receipt. Fifty Dollars paid to Sincoe Ketchsin by Christopher Robinson.
301 Receipt. Acknowledgement of three pounds owed to Abner Miles by Colonel Brackenridge, signed by Christopher Robinson. 12 November 1797
301 Note. Christopher Robinson will leave Abner Miles with the ten dollars Robinson owes to John Woodward and David Bennet. 2 August 1798
303 Receipt. Christopher Robinson will pay James Kemp 10p 3s 2d by 23 August 1798. 23 July 1798
303 Letter. Christopher Robinson, York, Upper Canada to John Robinson, Albany. re: Order to pay James and Nathan Ruggles 24p 5s 8d. 26 July 1798
307 Bill. Court costs due in the case of Powley [?] v. Ashley. 16 June 1794
307 Bill. Money owed by Ablert Ryckman to James Rivinton for law books. 24 September 1794
311 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to Jonathan Hay, shoemaker. 20 August 1794
311 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to Robert Maranlay for goods purchased. 22 April 1796
311 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson to James Richardson for goods and services rendered. 5 July 1796
313 Arrest Warrant. Charging the sheriff of Kingston to find and hold James Rankin until trial in the case of a plea of debt filed by Alexander Clark. Signed by Christopher Robinson, attorney for the plaintiff. May 1797
313 Court Ruling. Finding in favor of Alexander Clark in the debt case of Clark v. Rankin. 1797
317 Bill. Money owed by Christopher Robinson for goods and services rendered byan unknown party. 1798
321 Letter. To Christopher Robinson, York. re: Christopher Robinson’s ill health. 8 April 1798
323–326 Newspaper. Upper Canada Gazette. Includes announcement of Christopher Robinson’s passing on 2 November 1798. 10 November 1798
329–330 Probate Notice. Summons to Peter Robinson for payment of debts owed bythe estate of Christopher Robinson. 25 July 1798
331 Receipt. Taxes paid by the estate of Christopher Robinson. 1803
333–335 Petition. Esther Robinson’s (widow of Christopher Robinson) plea to ease the situation of her destitute family by naming Peter Robinson, eldest son, to the position of a deputy in the province of York. 3 November 1798
339–341 Newspaper. The General Evening Post, London. Includes obituary of Christopher Robinson, nephew of Bishop John Robinson. 25 April 1738
346 Letter. From Bishop John Robinson, Utrecht. re: Matters of the Queen’s army. 2 June 1712
352–255 Letter. Benjamin Robinson, Virginia to Colonel Beverley Robinson. re: Beverley as benefactor of the Robinson family. 7 August 1784
358–361 Letter. Frederick Robinsion, Thornbury to John Beverley Robinson. re: Business in the United Kingdom and Frederick’s return to Canada. 12 January 1816
364–369 Letter. William Henry Robinson, Bath, England to John Beverley Robinson, Upper Canada. re: Letter of introduction for Admiral Vansittart’s sons. 28 April 1834
372–375 Letter. James Sayre, Dorchester Province, New Brunswick to Esther Benman (sister), York, Upper Canada. re: Family news. 20 July 1816 [?]
376–378 Letter. James Sayre, New Brunswick to John Beverley Robinson (nephew), Toronto, Upper Canada. re: Recent events in Canada and family news. 25 September 1841
379 Letter. From John Beverley Robinson, Edgewater, New Jersey. re: Discovery of document about Beverley Robinson including sketch of Colonel Beverley Robinson’s crest. 1 April 1921
380 Notary Public Letter. Notarization of a document from Robert Lenox. 24 March 1813